Oxygen Detection Safety-pilot (ODS) in Gas Water Heaters
Oxygen Detection Safety-pilot (ODS) technology originated in Europe, where it has been used for more than half a century with an outstanding record of safety. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) accident/incident data compiled since 1980 show no documented deaths due to emissions associated with the use of an ODS-equipped vent-free gas heating appliance. Industry engineers say the ODS pilot is to gas what a circuit breaker is to electricity.
How the ODS works:
Oxygen Detection Safety-pilot (ODS) technology has been adopted by all US manufactured vent-free gas products . The ODS is considered the circuit breaker for gas appliances.
The ODS is designed with three components, an oxygen sensing pilot burner, a thermocouple that is positioned in the mantle of the pilot flame, and safety shut off (thermocouple). The design of the pilot is made to be stable with very limited operating range. When low levels of oxygen is detected the pilot flame will be extinguished, this will cause the thermocouple to cool and the loss of millivolts will cause the gas valve to close, not allowing the unit to operate until oxygen has been restored to the living space.
The ODS system consists of 3 main components:
- A precisely designed, oxygen sensitive pilot burner that regulates flame characteristics;
- A thermocouple positioned in the mantle of the pilot flame; and
- a safety shut-off valve